Old Crow - Workshop Day 3

Day three started with the exciting prospect of watching the film that was shot the day before! The students learn to thread the projector and watch both the negative film (from the super 8 projector) and the digitized positive version (from the digital projector) side by side. That way we can understand the process: after the film is dry, it is 'digitized' by capturing the negative film when it is projected on the wall with a digital video camera. And then this digital version of the film is easily made into a positive and edited.  Everyone also gets a crash course in editing and starts the editing process! Their job is to edit 3 minutes down to one minute!

After lunch we take a walk for inspiration and to get our brains energized. With Elder Joel Peter we also brainstorm unique activities and locations in Old Crow that could be filmed.

After our workshop we have a shoot with Kayleen and her Grandmother Mary Jane. Mary Jane is filmed making cranberry jam and Kayleen's friends and brother are employed to eat it on bannock for the camera! It's a tough job - but someone has to do it! ;).

Mary Jane Moses wants to film the Welcome to Old Crow and Vuntut Gwitchin signs at midnight, so we borrow a four wheeler (Thanks Megan!) to use as lighting! 

Another productive day.

2014, Old CrowPatrick Shannon2014