Queen Charlotte City- Day 5

Thursday was the last day this week - Friday is a Pro-D Day - sooooo we have some work to do! Everyone has footage to edit, so we all take a look at the editing program Final Cut X. 

At 10:20am there is an Earthquake and Tsunami drill, so everyone makes their way to the field and then we walk up the hill practicing SAFETY!

Once back in the workshop production continues. Everyone on Team COFFEE gives input on shots and edits - a real team effort! They also prepare for their evening shoot. On Team TSB Jacey and Tyra interview Kris about Stone Ribs as well as take turns editing. This doc is taking shape!

Tonight from 6-8pm Team COFFEE shoot in the Haida Gwaii Museum - Thanks to Scott for letting up use this location! The team has a breakdown of shots so they use their time wisely and make sure they don't miss anything. They also need to be sure not to film any Haida artwork since we don't have the permissions to do so and we want to be a respectful film crew. Once again, our professional crew finishes the shoot 5 minutes early. We pack up and leave right on time! Thanks again everyone! Good work!