Bella Bella - Day 6

Monday brought us all back to the Youth Centre for more film production! Another mentor from Vancouver joined the team: Welcome Sebnem!  Everyone learned camera skills and sound in the morning.

Right after lunch the young filmmakers had their work cut out for them- Alexa and Astrid completely restructured their film and organized interviews for tomorrow. Latoya and Elle recorded Max Johnson's Celebration song. Nadia and Keyshawn had three interviews at the school: Norman, Liz and Frankie. Bella, Nate and Trinity had two interviews back to back at different locations: first with Ingmar down by the dock and then Emma (Trinity's Nannie) at her house! Ingmar also brought a great short video about his passion for the environment and in particular against Oil Tankers to show Bella, Nate and Trinity.

Everyone worked super hard with the day ending at around 5pm. Can't for tomorrow.

The mentors decided to buy dinner from Ron Humchitt: poutine, chicken strips, onion rings and chicken wings oh my!