Old Crow - day three - workshop

Our first day of our workshop is finally here! 

The mentors and Mary Jane arrive at 9am to finish set up and then the students arrive at 10am. We meet Allison, Dredyn  and Jynesta and meet again Dean, Kayleen, Tyra & teacher, Monica! We start in right away talking about the magic of film and watching a few examples. Over the years there are many Old Crow community made films to share.

When we all need to stand and walk and stretch... we take turns outside and practice with the super 8 film camera and a digital camera. We take a walk along the Porcupine River and up past where the old co-op used to be right up to where it lives now beside the old church. The old co-op will become a new church and the old church will be repaired.

We head back for a delicious lunch of chicken soup and bannock (Thank you Margaret!) and student Ciara and Brandon (Heritage Interpreter and filmmaker) joins us. We watch a few more videos in search of inspiration - Brandon shares his animation Caribou Fence! and then Ciara tries her hand with filming with the super 8 camera. One more excuse to go outside!

In teams we make the caffenol developer and Dredyn and Allison volunteer to head into the dark room (created in the women's washroom) to develop the film. 30 minutes later they emerge and show us a really great looking negative. Great job! Tomorrow we will watch it from the projector!

Meanwhile Ciara and Dean and Kayleen discuss story ideas and brainstorm. Ciara is considering telling the story of the Little Boy and the Moon and Dean and Kayleen, Dredyn and Allison are still thinking.

All in all, we got much further then we expected, everyone worked VERY hard - THANK YOU ALL!

Also of note: we all got to see the Wooly Mammoth Bone !