Old Crow Saturday Edit Fun Day

This busy day started with recording voice-over at Mary Jane’s house - we had to make sure the video games, laundry and hot water tank weren’t making noise….! Desmond recorded his voice first, then Kayleen and finally Mary Jane.

Now off to the John Tyzia Centre… fresh snow everywhere and so warm even though it is windy. It sure is hard to walk in new snow.

Mary Jane worked further on fine tuning, adding Gwich’in text, fixing sound, adding new material…with each change the film gets stronger and stronger.

Then a nice walk in the snowy day for a late lunch over at the subdivision. It is a birthday party for a cute 2 year old complete with an entire turkey dinner ! Mahsi’choo for the amazing time! Nice people, adorable kids and delicious meal.

Back at JTC, Mary Jane wanted to ensure the audience understands how the hide sits atop the willow structure with the canvas over top of both during smoking so she created a drawing to show this! Super cool solution!

More editing changes and then some more audio work….phew….

We are almost there!!

2019, Old CrowLisa Nielsen2019