OC - Monday - FINAL DAY

Today was SO busy there was no time to document. Audio was recorded, final bits of media was added, Gwich’in spelling (Tetlit dialect) was checked, sound effects were added and levels checked, music was added, titling and credits were tweaked…and….and…and…then…


Adhòh Tr’ahshii - Traditional Hide Tanning

Coming soon to a theatre near you!

It is truly a beautiful and important film!

We celebrated by having a small family screening at Mary Jane’s house with her daughter Deanna and grandkids: Kayleen, Desmond and Jr.

We baked banana bread and made jello and dream whip! We decided after working an hour on Kayleen’s film and realizig fatigue was setting in…we would complete it via messenger…perhaps the first film collaboration through messenger? So exciting.

On to bed, tomorrow…INUVIK!

Old CrowLisa Nielsen2019