Kahnawake - Day 5

Today was super fun and SUPER productive!

Saturday workshop started at the Kahnawake Library at 2pm!

Marlene was duped by the Montreal freeway detours and her 40 minute drive became a 2 hour challenge! Thanks for not giving up Marlene! Marlene jumps right into her map animation of ‘the bannock trail’ and her journey across Canada through her love of cooking and cultural sharing.

Courtney and Lisa picked up Joy! Joy, who started her video last visit , came ready to complete her important film about not giving up on your dreams of education and healing yourself. Joy already had her sound edited from last time, so she added imagery, music and photographs. She also added an update in her life and credits. Way to go Joy! You completed and incredible, honest film that will inspire others to keep to their path, no matter what kind of challenges crop up. THANK YOU!

Marlene also added imagery to her audio edit, she added her animation to her edit AND recorded drumming! Marlene had fun adding her opening title and finessing the timing! This film is almost done and Marlene will return on Monday night with any final bits of imagery she wants to use. AMAZING!

Everyone worked down to the wire, by 9pm we had to wrap up and call it a night. BRAVO to Marlene and Joy for being such tenacious filmmakers!

Niá:wen! (Thank you!)