Tsulquate - screening

What a magical evening!

BUT WAIT! First we must mention all our help to get the screening organized! The projector and extension cords were supplied by Eke Me-Xi. The sound system was provided by Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw School - thanks to the Principal Reed and big thanks to Dusty for bringing the PA to the Hall and setting it up! Thanks so much to Kelly for bringing key, setting up tables and chairs, helping with the ladders and crawling under the stage to do all this! The screen was made of bed sheets... and Leah brought safety pins, tape and helped hang the screen! Thanks to Erin for organizing catering! Peter (linguist) and Scott (teacher) worked hard to finish the orca story (with Henry Seaweed story that Darian started) and brought the film to share with the youth made films!

At 5pm folks started to arrive and it was so nice to see many familiar faces! Elders Paddy and TK both said wonderful things about the youth and their hard work and the pride in their efforts!! Everyone had a delicious dinner: Lasagna, salad, garlic bread, bannock, buns, and amazing halibut soup!

The North Island Gazette showed up to interview the student filmmakers and find out more about the project. Thank you Tyson and Hanna for being interested -can't wait to see the story in the paper!!

Leah (teacher) and Lisa (mentor) explained the project and the incredible work that the students pulled off!! The films were shared to a rapt audience with applause at the end of each one! Leah said more nice things about the filmmakers and thanked the mentors! Our hearts grew in our chests!

Then there was an amazing drum circle to end the night. Powerful and beautiful. Jeremy (who made the film Kamix'd was one of the drummers! Tommy was also drumming!

Our World wants to acknowledge the hard work by the students!! Jade is a true artist who transposed her visual art making into the film medium with her artistic vision applied to camera work and her attention to detail applied to editing. She made a strong story about the act of creativity interweaving an interview with herself and her uncle - learning more about him and herself in the process. Sonja and Gabriel worked as a team creating a powerful experimental film juxtaposing photos and video of Tsulquate and the homelands with archival footage of Sonja's grandmother. Drumming was woven with TK's kwak'wala and english descriptions of the places. Sonja has an incredible photographic eye and was keen and quick to learn the editing program. Gabe was the support, a producer role if you will, carrying gear and providing suggestions and opinions. Haley and Kayle worked together each taking turns organically in animation, voice recording and editing! A great team! Kayle spent the early workshops focused on animation and had a real knack for animated movement, he also recorded narration (great kwak'wala pronunciation!) and edited early scenes into the film! Haley, with her prior experience making a film: Wuh Tlah Mus? was an editor extraordinaire and stayed late the final workshop night to be sure it got completed! She also animated scenes and recorded her voice! Kelly shared her personal experience to celebrate her connection to culture and dance. She practiced further ALL her incredible technical skills - this is her 4th film! - and even helped others with their films!! She made a beautiful poetic and thoughtful piece that also honoured her late mother. Roberta also brought her personal voice to her film, sharing hard moments in her past and her solutions to move forward in a hopeful and positive way. Brave. She interwove her own voice with an interview with TK and also worked with TK to translate, from english to kwak'wala, her final and inspirational thoughts!

BRAVO to ALL. It was an incredible celebration of hard work and important storytelling!!