Alert Bay - screening

Goodbye Tsulquate, Hello Alert Bay!

Thanks to Ashely and Svea for putting posters up in the community!

Roberta (filmmaker) and Laura (friend) joined the mentors on the trip! Roberta presented her films at the screening!

The 3:30pm screening was at The Lawrence Ambers Memorial Rec Centre - big thanks to Ashley and Lee for setting up an amazing screening room!

Hannah (and her brother Luke) was the first to arrive from the grade 6/7 class from the T'lisalagi'lakw School and she told us how much she was looking forward to the screening - welcome Hannah.

A little bit before 3:30, folks young and old started streaming in! We had juices and chips on offer and chatted with everyone. Kyle and Jodi from the grade 6/7 class also came! YAY!

Hannah received the Cowichan Film Event screening payment to take back to her class for a pizza party or other fun thing! Congrats on having your film selected and shared !

Then we played the grade 6/7 class animated film: The Legend of the Dzunuk’wa (both English and Kwak'wala version) and then Roberta's film Know Who You Are, which she made from interviews she conducted in Alert Bay with her cousin Pewi and her auntie Pauline.

Then we played the whole program from last night in Tsulquate!

One young audience member shared that during The Legend of the Dzunuk'wa, he laughed so hard when the girl took her knife out to cut her way out of the basket and her and her friends all fell out onto the ground!! YAY!

A delightful afternoon! 

Then we drove the long way back to the cabins through the reserve and out along the water front. PERFECT.