Old Crow - day eight

On Tuesday we were back at the John Tiyza Centre and it was a whirlwind of a day!

Kayleen edited more of her sound and started adding imagery and her opening title animation! This piece is called Vadzaih (Caribou in Gwitchin).

Allison and Dredyn formed an official production company called A&D Productions (with Ally as 'Boss') and made an epic animation for their opening title for their film, officially called,Old Crow Images!! They also re-edited their script and recorded Desmond's voice! A lot of work today!

Dean not only worked on some artwork for A&D Productions but also conceptualized his own personal animation and started on the artwork. He also viewed Kayleen's film and gave thoughtful, respectful and valuable feedback. 

Ciara worked out her Boy in the Moon adaptation, created a shot list and started drawing her characters and backgrounds. This will be a black and white animated film! Super Cool!

Brandon utilized quicktime's ability to capture the screen of a computer and thus was able to create some caribou fence imagery. He added this to his edit and well as did some fine tuning editing. His piece is currently 5 minutes and he is considering adding a bit more of Alfred's interview...we shall see....Brandon stayed late! Great Work!

Mary Jane continued on her edit. Organizing her imagery further and adding it to her timeline. This film about how to tan a caribou hide is actually sitting at about 18 minutes. A VERY ambitious project. Mary Jane also stayed late.

Kayleen came back after dinner and helped Kellen develop super 8 film. Thank YOU!!!

A very long but PRODUCTIVE day!