Bella Coola
British Columbia
Bella Coola is located in a valley on the west coast of British Columbia. It is accessible (depending on season) by ferry from Port Hardy or small plane from Vancouver. On a foggy flying day you may even find yourself landing in Anahim Lake and then taking a bus the rest of the way. In the summer you can drive the ‘freedom road’ north from Williams Lake, BC. The entire Bella Coola Valley has approximately 1900 residents. Nearly 900 are members of the Nuxalk Nation and the rest are of Norwegian descent. (“Xalk” is pronounced “hulk,” with a throat-clearing noise similar to the German ach.)
The Nuxalk Nation has been occupying and exercising their rights on the lands, water and resources of their ancestral territory since time immemorial.The Nuxalk Nation is a mixture of many villages including the four largest villages: Talyu in Ats’aaxlh (South Bentick); Suts’lhm (Kimsquit) to the north - this includes Satskw’ (Kimsquit River) and Nutl’l (Dean River); Kwalhna to the west (right along the coast); and Q’umk’uts‘ to the east.
Founding producer and Nuxalkmc, Banchi Hanuse, made this the first community that Our World visited in 2006. Banchi continues to make films (Smayaykila Films), and helps run Nuxalk Radio.

Bella Coola Films & AUDIO
"Yaw, I want to present three Nuxalk audio pieces created in Bella Coola, Nuxalkulmc in 2021"
Here is a audio clip of my journey so far on my walk on the red road, this beautiful walk of indigenous life we have been bestowed.
A consideration for Indigenous Food Sovereignty. This redefines how we think about food in a way that is personal. This also speaks to our past and present connections with food.
This is Episode 1 of the Healing Power of Story. The series explores storytelling across time and across generations.
A poetic animation of an old song and story of Jerrel’s Nuxalk ancestors.
A young girl shares a story of her ancestors and their loss of identity. She shares her efforts to revitalize and celebrate her culture for her generation and beyond.
This film is a reflection on the filmmaker’s relationship to his culture and his love for traditional dance.
A stop-motion animation created with paper cut outs of a traditional story.
A short video depicting different Dakelh phrases in a creative way!
A behind the scenes video showing the process of the Bella Coola filmmaking workshop. This was shown at the celebration screening and contains credits.
A Nuxalk youth talks about the importance of his art in relationship to his culture.
Created for Vancouver's Documentary Film Festival - DOXA.
An excerpt of a Nuxalk legend is interpreted with the help of green screen special effects.
Created for Vancouver's Documentary Film Festival - DOXA.
An abstracted vision of the city of Vancouver through the eyes of a visiting Nuxalk youth.
Created for Vancouver's Documentary Film Festival - DOXA.
A traditional Nuxalk legend adapted and animated with original drawings - this time with added colour!
A traditional Nuxalk legend adapted and animated with original drawings.