Tsulquate - day 6

Filmmaking Extravaganza!

Check out this busy room! All day the 5 youth created films moved forward in a FLURRY of activity.

Big Thanks to TK Henderson for his precious time and language knowledge today!

Haley and Kayle continued on their animated scenes, filming more live action backgrounds and started editing their scenes together over their voice over. This is an epic animated tale that is looking IN-CRED-IBLE!

Jade re-ordered her audio and added b-roll and art imagery. This is a solid story celebrating the life of artistic expression!

Sonja ordered and timed her images, scripted voice over, helped Elder TK record his voice, selected new media of her grandmother dancing... as well as recorded Leah drumming. All components will be all ready for final assembly to create a piece that will celebrate the HOME of two different generations...Can't wait!

Roberta also made sure to collect all the rest of her media today: scripted and recorded her final thoughts in Kwak'wala, filmed 3 scenes at the beach, collected photographs, as well as fine tuned her audio edit. Roberta's personal and inspirational film will be all ready to complete tomorrow!

Kelly added all of the rest of her b-roll and fine tuned transitions and timing. She added her titles, credits and music!! This story, honouring how culture - in particular traditional dancing - made a significant difference in Kelly's life. A few more bits and bobs and this piece is ready to share for Saturday!

Thanks everyone for SUCH. A. GREAT. DAY!!