OC Editing Hide Tanning Film
Happy Wednesday! Still -41 with a wind chill of -46!
Today Mary Jane found some AMAZING videos from the Dawson City Hide Tanning Camp! Lots of hides soaking in brain water, wringing out the hide, stretching the hide, scraping the hide and smoking the hide! Thank you Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Heritage Department!!
Mary Jane is meticulous in making sure the images and process are accurate when she builds her story. It is all coming together. Adding video and imagery, finessing timing and building in some breathing room. The film has now grown to 23 minutes but it is important to make it as long as it needs to be, to ensure people can learn this traditional art. Filmmaking is a process, much like Hide Tanning itself. One must practice patience, take one step at a time and try to be in the moment.
We even came back after dinner to work a couple more hours!
Thanks again for a great day!