Eenchokay Birchstick School - workshop day 4

Even though today was Saturday, we still had a busy day during the filmmaking workshop.

Randy came early - Good morning 9:30AM! So we all had oatmeal and then got down to work. We moved the gear to Vanessa’s classroom so we had natural light and people could knock on the windows to be let in.

We helped Randy laminate his family photos for his installation among the trees for his film. Then he recorded his voice over in the music room and then he went outside with Cheryl to create his installation and film his exterior scenes. The weather was totally cooperating providing sun and then snow….Randy’s footage looked magical! Randy was very organized with his shot list and he captured all his scenes! Then he edited his voice over, added his video footage, found royalty free music and reshot his title sequence. His film now titled ‘Damage into Hope’ is a powerful film setting out to do just that : taking challenging times in one’s life and moving forward with hope and positivity. Randy took this title to heart even in making this film …it is unbelievable HOW MUCH work Randy accomplished in one day, creating beautiful imagery and layering it with poetry and music! BRAVO to Randy!

Nina arrived with her sister and nephew in tow and so we provided snacks, Jenga, drawing and movies for Leanina and Emmett while Nina edited. Nina worked on editing her interview of Marvin the principal and in doing so decided she wanted to include her own voice in her film. Nadine helped Nina interview herself about the topic of bullying and respect, in which she has a lot of thoughtful things to say. Then Nina also practiced photography, taking photos around the school to use for B-roll.

Kamden walked all the way from his house in the wet (he lives at the other side of the reserve) and got right down to editing. It was a fun day (lots of belly laughs) full of sound effects, fine tuning and titles. Kamden finished this film in time to walk back home in the light of day! Great work Kamden - you ARE Super Siayan - your editing POWERS were UNLOCKED !

Crystal arrived in the afternoon with two voice overs of her story already recorded! She got down to learning final cut X and edited her story using the best of the two takes. They she moved photos over from her phone and dropped those onto her time line. Crystal is Mac savvy so was quick to learn the program. We also learned she is a fabric artist and sewer and she showed us a traditional Ojibway T-dress and Grass Dance regalia! Crystal was able to stay late and animate (using fabrics) her whole ‘cosmos’ intro animation! It was a fun night to learn about her life and creativity. Crystal shared with us that she recently completed her Masters in Indigenous Governance Program and APTN shared her story about how her thesis (delivered in Pikangikum) addressed the effect of introducing culture as a healing strategy, using powwow in particular. She said we could share the LINK.

Thanks again everyone for sharing their time and talents with the Our World crew, our hearts grow with all we learn from the stories you share with us.

2019, pikangikumLisa Nielsen2019