Fort McPherson day 4

The Christian Fellowship Church was having their service today being Sunday, so it was a bit of a day off with only one evening workshop from 6-9pm.

The morning sky beckoned and so a morning walk around the neighbourhood was in order. Check out those gorgeous coloured skies! The crows were up and playful and the temperature was COLD! We could only last about 20 minutes before we needed to warm up.

Then we took a drive over to the Anglican Church (if you google Fort McPherson it is one of the first images you see) and then to the Northern store. 

We also noticed the peach coloured hall that was featured in the film footage that Stanley Snowshoe brought to Mary Jane’s screening! 

At the workshop Esther had another flip book to photograph and add to her timeline as well and planning her BIG family animation scene inside the van! This film is EPIC!

Glen also joined us again and brainstormed further, telling more stories, checking out the cameras, watching another film for inspiration and ended up getting a real sense of his story direction.

We shall see both of you again tomorrow! Thanks for joining us!