Fort McPherson workshop day 7

Busy Day.

Ruby fixed the colour on her animation and made some sound changes as well as added her and Edward’s name to the end of her strict 2-minute contest version of her film. SO it is final!!!! Ruby’s contest film is completed and she showed Jeanetta and Edward who both loved it. We have a plan to submit the film to the North West Territories Government before Our World leaves on the 9th…it isn’t due until Feb 14th but we figure the early bird gets the worm…Ruby then works on her end credits for the same version of the film but one that can be submitted to film festivals. This version can be any length. Ruby works on the text of her credits, making sure to make a plug for her radio program on CBQM! She will add these credits tomorrow. Lots of hard work Ruby-thank you!

Esther created a breaking windshield animation and a sweet animation of the moose coming out of the trees…Esther is on fire filling in her timeline. She has to leave early but shall return at 6pm!!

Our 6-9pm shift is busy too! Conrad works hard on animating his people and working on sound! He too is filling his timeline. Esther tweaks her timing and shares the edit with her mom. Lynn is SO proud!

Liz works hard with more editing of the prayer vigil and playing with b-roll footage. Her mom, Mary, comes by and helps with Gwich’in language translation.

Thanks again everyone for working SO hard!