Bear Island - Day 1

Our World has been invited back to be part of the Roots and Wings Summer Programming! Thank you for the invite Casey! And Thank you Temagami Nation!

It will be an intense 4 day workshop learning and filming with new equipment purchased for the community as well as using Our World / Reel 2 Real Equipment.

The idea is to get as much work done as possible in the 4 days, knowing there will still be time to continue filmmaking once the workshop ends. The official screening isn’t until August! And there is a big Pow Wow July 13-14 to get ready for!

SOOOOO, Today was the first day!  A warm welcome to Bear Island after a boat ride from Temagami Shores!

After Sebnem and Cheryl arrived to the canoe house, we all got to know each other playing some naming games. The participants watched some Our World Bear Island alumni films and we talked about their projects that they wanted to make this week.

We moved from the canoe house to the band office for more room and then set up some work stations and got down  to the business of filmmaking.

We have 3 films underway!

Kazia is working on a documentary. 

Peyden, Sadie and Kiizis are working on an animation.

Luke and Christian are working on a live action film.

Sophia, Zachary, Denton, Tyson, Richard, Taluluah and Miikka are also working on a live action. 

We talked about storyboards and experimented with the cameras. 

There is lots going on!! ;)