Bear Island - Day 4

Wow that week went quickly!

This morning we had a special guest, Wayne Potts came in and screened a video made of the 1992 Roots and Wings group performing a play they wrote over 2 summers. What an amazing project! Their artwork remains relevant today and had an impact on everyone in the room. Many participants had relatives or parents in the performance so it was a very special screening. This performance travelled across Canada and was loved by so many people in its time. 

We then got down to getting as much done as possible. Sadie, Kiizis and Peyton got busy finishing the animations they had planned, Kazia captured a stack of photos she wanted for her project, and Sophia, Zach, Tyson, Richard, and Mikkah finished some scenes and last minute edits for their movie. 

We had a closing circle with some warm words and final thoughts. 

We are so excited to see the final movies as the group plans on a few more weeks to fine tune their work. 

Thank you Bear Island Filmmakers for your visions and hard work . It has been an honour to share this experience with you!