Danny Danyle (Danyle Vickers Brown)

2024 Logo

Community: Bella Bella, BC

Nation: Haíłzaqv

Bio: My name is Dan. I go by he/him. My passion is drawing and sketch drawing and digital drawing. I do little animations every now and then. I love drawing the Mario villains, specifically the Koopalings, and drawing my own characters that I have made. I love drawing monsters/dragons/fantasy-like characters. I also make small comics. I’m in a family full of artists, all in our own way. I also post some of my art on my TikTok account which currently has 1570 followers. This is my second film session with Our World and I love the opportunity.

Film(s): Ludwig Von Koopa Sounds Animation , The Other Short Films Danny Danyle has made, Burn Marks


Community: Bella Bella, BC

Nation: Heiltsuk

Bio: I’m Dan and I go to Bella Bella Community School, I go by He/They and  I like to animate eyes and villain characters from a game I really like, and I also animate original characters. I prefer to work on phone then tablet,  I just draw by hand on digital. I did start as a comic artist, then I start to do more fan-art of a character I like, and now I just sketch and digital art. I’m surprised on how far I’ve come and looking back on my old art I didn’t realize how much I like drama. My goal for the future is to become an animation director and probably make some movies or video/board games. I also like to remake some of my art but change the style a little bit too, and I’m surprised how each time they’re so different, at least I know that I’m getting better with my sketches and anatomy, and I’m proud of it.

Bella Bella, 2022Patrick Shannon