Hello again, Haida Gwaii
Mentor Lisa g travels from Vancouver to join other mentors Tracy, Venay and Patrick in Haida Gwaii. The clouds part on the decent and Tow Hill can be seen on the horizon!
Our World alumni filmmaker Gwaliga Hart happened to be at the airport - it was so nice to see him after all these years. It was 9 years ago he made a fantastical film called Grounded in Tradition ! Glad you are so well and busy, Gwaliga!
Sid, so kindly picks up Lisa g in the rental car and tells wonderful tales of camping with his family and passing down stories from his grandfather (when camping was under the stars) to his grandchildren (where they now are in a cabin). He also mentioned a theory that the Haida who survived the smallpox epidemics were the ones with a special arthritis gene - that he happens to have in his family - so although arthritis causes him pain it is also quite possibly the reason his family is still alive! The Haida Laas talks about this and so much more - personal stories about the legacy of small pox and how it was used as a weapon.
Before leaving Masset Lisa g meets another Our World alumni, one of the filmmakers who created: Welcome to Old Masset, Kendra Williams is working at her new job, at the corner store, so a nice hello and catchup with her!
What a way to start the trip: old friends and new friends and known and new knowledge!
A quick stop at the Delkatla Slough - a salt marsh and estuary where the fresh waters of Delkatla Creek meet the salt waters of Delkatla Inlet. This area was used by the Haida people as settlement and shelter for millenia. Delkatla means place of cranes dancing . In the 1950’s, efforts were started to make sure these wetlands were preserved as a sanctuary.
It is warm, a bit wet, the air is fresh and now the road beckons.
Just passing through Port Clements. Then Tlell. 55 km of deer crossing caution! A quick stop to view the Hecate Straight, then it’s Skidegate and then Queen Charlotte.
Feel so lucky to be here. Can’t wait for tomorrow!